Thursday 31 July, 2008

Here's The World

'Here's the world', was a classroom project during my learning years at NID.
Subject: Understanding kinetics in animation / Assignment-Morphing.
Medium: It's a line test! (So please overlook the crude animation to see the purpose.)
Date: Early 2000 "BC "

The title of the animation is very much an adaptation from Micheal Jackson's - 'heal the world' lyrics,
"here's the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race."

The subject/storyline of the animation (to my surprise!) is close to the latest topics on this blog. Though it was supposed to be a classroom assignment it had a theme 'Noise Pollution & traffic congestion'. So '
Here's the world' for you >>

Shhhhhhhhh, give peace a chance. :)

Be cool, be green!


Anonymous said...

I loved Here's The World all over again Rita..had seen it in NID ...I remember...the unfinished look of it adds to the charm...the world is still in the making...


Animation.Art.Design.Studio said...

oh yes! remember showing you.
I guess it would be 'the world is in re-making'... and hope it's well taken care of. Amen!.. and Iamin!
(i-am-in) ;)