Friday 12 September, 2008

SADA by Narsi Mehta

Here's a beautiful poetry by Narsi Mehta ( 1440-80), known as father of Gujarati poetry. He sadas' (devotional songs for Hindu deity Lord Krishna) from 17th century and those by others during the same time become part of the devotional movement in Hinduism liberating it from the obstinate priesthood in dominance then.

'Vaishanav Janato', is one of the many a sadas or Gujarati poetry written and composed by Narsi Mehta which went and become one of the favorite devotional & spiritually enlightening songs. This song has inspired many including Mahatma Gandhi.
( Listen to the song here > vaishanav janato...
Read more on Narsi Mehta here > nationmaster

'Vaishanav Janato' / lyrics
Vishnav janto tene reh kahiye jeh
Peed paraayi jaane reh
Par-dukheh upkaar kareh toyeh
Maan abhimaan na aaneh reh
Vishnav .....

Sakal lok mai sahuneh vandeh
Nindaah nah kareh tenni reh
Vaach kaach maan nischal raakheh
Dhan dhan jannani tenni reh
Vishnav .....

( To read the complete poetry with translation, please click here> wikipedia)

English translation of the above lines...

He is a God's man ( of woman of course!)

Who understands the pain of others,

Who does good to others, esp. to those once who are in misery,

And doing so does not let pride enter his mind.

In the entire world respects everyone/sees good in everyone,

Who does not have ill feelings/words for any one,

Keeps his/her speech genuine and pure,

The all the goodness/happiness/richness comes to him/her.

. . . .

This song still touches me whenever I hum or hear it anywhere. It reminds me of the humanity and purity I pray to embrace everyday.

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