Monday, 23 August 2010

Lost & found

Something I bumped onto. Simple and true. Here it goes:

*all credit goes to the creator.

Be cool, be happy!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Good Design! Good Design? Good Design:

Well an exclamation! , a question mark? or a colon:
all apart if I have to put it very simply and factually - a good design indeed is what serves best for the purpose.

Here's something on 'design' I would love to share here with my readers.
Design constructs a visual language for the purpose of communication.

It organizes and gives form to a message in a way that adds value and meaning.

It functions to organize, clarify, persuade, and add drama to an otherwise overlooked idea.

Design plays a primary role in the interpretation of a message.

It creates the crucial persistent impression.

It encourages examination and generates interest.

Accessible, understandable information and beauty of form can engage observers and arrest their attention.

A confusing, poorly designed message will miss its target almost every time.

In a world where information flows abundantly, our minds have developed filters to sift through the overflow of useless data.

While design must appeal to the aesthetic, it must not stand in the way of delivery, cause complications, or introduce stumbling blocks.

Rather, the presence of design should simplify and facilitate our everyday life"

Let these mantras assist you to refine / re-define your designs, making them 'ultimate' product/s or service/s.



Saturday, 4 April 2009

Skies and Silhouettes

"Space is the spirit of matter"

"Upon that vision of myself I see,
A self that's seeing me."

Thursday, 22 January 2009


Almost everyday in newspapers and news channels we come across news covering the present times of global economic recession; it's dire effects on corporate and private sectors and much much more of adverse ones on the common man who went to work one fine day as usual only to witness being victims of the same on the very next.

Thinking of it, is it not something we are already familiar with?
"Survival of the fittest/only the fittest will prevail" - Darwinism.

Just like present, those times must have been equally tough or even tougher. You would say; that was then, this is now and it has never been so precarious. True but while so, lets look around in the market today; do we not see only the real good brands surviving the present recession storm? These and many others such still-standing institutions or personalities are presenting us with a live recession-survival-tips-kit, to re-learn from. Our outside influences, in other words. Whilst our inside carry the 'will and wit' to keep us going.

So I say back, to these news headlines, "what's the big deal?"
Let not the anxiety and fear hinder our will while we are struggle and evolve be fit once again.
While I leave you with these thoughts, here are some powerful lines by the thinkers and writers ( and doer-s!) of our times.

"Creation is a better means of self expression than possession; it is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed." - Voda D. Scudder, The life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets.

"What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal; a freely chosen task. " - Viktor E Franki, Holocaust survior' author of Man's Search for Meaning.

"Trouble sharpens the vision" - P G Wodehouse

"Changes in perception will dramatically effect emotions and behaviour. The use of 'logic' will not have these effects." - Edward de Bono

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. " - George Berbard Shaw, Maxims for revolutionists.

"The man dwelling on sense-objects develops attachment for them; from attachment sprins up desire, and from desire(unfulfilled) ensues anger. From anger arises infatuation' from infatuation, confusion of memory; from confusion of memory, loss of reason; and with loss of reason one goes to complete nowhere. But a self controlled man, while enjoying the various sense-objects through his senses, which are disciplined and free from like and dislikes, attains placidity of mind. With placidity of mind, intellect of a tranquil mind one attains composure (with the one/could be what we aim for). " - Bhagavadgita, Sri Krishna.


So it's time to gear up our gadgets!
Good luck to all of us....

much love!

Thursday, 15 January 2009


"Mirror mirror on the wall, which is the righteous religion of all?!?"

Righteous religion? Does it mean what a person/a group thinks is right? But again its all relative. A truth/right for a person might not be the truth/right for another but as far as we have a self religion, collectively we shall continue making this world a humane place.

Self religion could be put as 'the goodness within each one of us'. Something we often experience when put in a situation to choose right from wrong, from moral to immoral.
It allows us to keep ourselves motivated and directed by verification and knowledge. Not by beliefs.
Self religion is infact the oldest and most eternal religion we have; a religion of individual freedom. It is a willingness and an ability to observe oneself and to correct one's own faults.

So how about a date with oneself once in a while!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


If this elephant of mind is bound on all sides by the cord of mindfulness,
All fear disappears and complete happiness comes.

All enemies: all the tigers, lions, elephants, bears, serpents [of our emotions];
And all the keepers of hell; the demons and the horrors,
All of these are bound by the mastery of your mind,
And by the taming of that one mind, all are subdued,
Because from the mind are derived all fears and immeasurable sorrows.

-8th century Buddhist master Shantideva .
